Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

PhD student Cognitive Neuroimaging Business Management Career

Job description

The Academic Medical Center (AMC, Amsterdam) has a vacancy for a PhD student at the Department of Psychiatry. The aim of the project is to understand the role of GABA in the regulation of emotion and fear learning in humans. GABA is thought to be involved in the inhibition of fear, and GABAergic dysregulation may promote the development of anxiety disorders. You will combine fear learning paradigms with psychophysiology, genetics, and neuroimaging (functional MRI, MRS) to investigate how the GABAergic system regulates the neural mechanisms involved in fear learning. The project is funded by NWO and will be performed in collaboration with the KNAW Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging.


We are looking for a highly talented and dedicated PhD student with a (nearly completed) Master’s degree in a field related to cognitive neuroscience (e.g., biology, medicine, neuroscience, psychology). Excellent candidates from other fields are also encouraged to apply. Experience with functional imaging (e.g., SPM, FSL), psychophysiology (e.g., SCR) and experimental psychology (e.g., E-prime, Presentation, MATLAB) is desirable, but not required. You are well able to work independently as well as in a team, and are proficient in English.

Conditions of employment

We offer a highly challenging multidisciplinary research project for the duration of 4 years, state-of-the-art research facilities and excellent supervision. Compensation is according to the collective agreement (CAO-UMC) and amounts from EUR 2086,- gross per month in the first year to EUR 2673,- in the fourth year.
You are going to work for the AMC Medical Research BV.

Contract type


We offer a highly challenging multidisciplinary research project for the duration of 4 years.

Additional information

For more information regarding the position, you can contact dr. Guido van Wingen ( To apply, please provide an application letter including a statement of research interests, your CV, and the names of two persons that can serve as reference. You can apply until April 15 via

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